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My Personality Will Depend On What I Read

A few weeks ago, I talked with a friend about personality tests and how accurate they are. We focus more if the results can change over time. Since I did the test twice in 3 years and got two different results. We analyzed the possibility that my personality changed. And if it depended on what I was reading at the time. Which made us super curious, deciding to investigate a bit about it.

“You want, in a sense, to relate to the main character, so often, the main character's POV is a bit more of a blank slate.”

–Jane Goldman

The first thing we need to consider is to define the difference between personality and character. Both are used to describe a person. These two traits are what make us unique and make us who we are. But they are not the same.

The personality of a person is the abilities, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors a person has. It is easy to identify, as it is the first thing we observe when we know the person. So, in other words, it is the outward behavior and the impression we create on others.

On the other hand, the character goes more into the moral and ethical attributes of an individual. It is difficult to change compared to personality. It will take more time to identify it. Thereby it is necessary to get to know the person.

Now that we have defined these two. Have you ever felt something from your personality change while reading a specific book? Or rather, have you taken (consciously or not) some personality traits of some book characters?

I can affirm that I have. I mean, who hasn't wished to be part of a fictional world or become the main character. I remember since a young age, I wanted to be the main character of my favorite book. And, because I couldn't, I started acting like her. Saying some of her typical phrases. Hoping that somehow, I woke up one day being her (I really hope some of you have felt the same way because if not, I think many of you will think I'm a bit crazy…).

Here are some examples of how I have adapted my personality through some characters. Many years ago, when I read The Mortal Instruments, I started saying things like "by the Angel" and got really into painting. I appreciate not having continued in that because I am not very good at it. And more recently, with ACOTAR. I'm saying things like "Cauldron bless/boil me" or "by the Cauldron.

With Nesta's story, I craved to become this badass woman who can be the rock against which the surface crashes. I started working on myself again. By taking care of me. Going to the gym once more. Each time I couldn't do one more push-up, I thought of Feyre, Nesta, Aelin, Poppy, and so many more characters that had to train to be fearless.

Which probably, for non-readers, they'll think I'm out of my mind. And I'm 90% sure I am. Because who isn't a little crazy in this life?

Some people believe that the personality of a person will stop changing after they reach age 30. New research has been found that's not entirely true. It can change after that, as we still live experiences every day. And more interesting, studies have shown that reading books is one of the key factors for this. While reading, we engage with the story, the plot, and above all, with the characters. How many books have made you cry? Or burst out laughing until your stomach hurts?

Books' specialty is that. To make us feel every interaction and emotion the character is having. To believe we are INSIDE the book, living the same awe-inspiring experiences they are having. To fall in love with them.

My Conclusion: It Does

Books are not just words put together to make a story. They become part of us. They teach us great lessons, show us outstanding role models, and help us define who we want to be in our future.

I actually have no words for what books have given me. Besides helping me become my better version, it has opened a direct pathway to a stunning community. Where I have made incredible new friends. (I hope you know I'm talking about you. And if not, let's be friends!).

The beauty of literature is that there is a ton of variety for everyone's likes. That helps to feel represented and to connect to the character's personality. They don't just make us smarter: they make us. Help shape our identities, and yes, our personalities. We empathize with characters we like and understand. We start seeing the world in their POV.

Maybe our personalities are the recollection of every single trait we like of the characters we read.

This belief makes me happy. It makes my heart swell with joy and love. As we know that those characters don't exist, but we carry them in our personalities and hearts. Giving them life in the real world we live in.


Have you ever felt something from your personality change while reading a specific book? Or rather, have you taken (consciously or not) some personality traits of some book characters?


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